Liao Xiaotoutiao

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Tribute to the ingenuity of the song - the 40th Teacher's Day to all staff...

Dear faculty and staff: Shizue such as light, small so far;Teacher Zze is like water, moistening things silently。On the occasion of the 40th Teachers' Day approaching, the school Party Committee extends its sincere greetings and heartfelt thanks to all the staff who work hard in teaching, management and service.To the development of school education to lay the foundation and lead the way...

The first lesson | Wang Canal, Secretary of the Party Committee, lectured the freshmen of the class of 2024 on "Opening the semester....

In order to further study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee,To carry out the fundamental task of moral cultivation,On the afternoon of September 6th,School Party secretary Wang Canal to "study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee.,Keep in mind your earnest trust,"The First Lesson of the Semester" for the freshmen of 2024,Encourage students to stand firm in their ideals...

Vigorously promote the spirit of educators | Liaoning Vocational College of Light industry: learning and implementation...

The country will be xing, will be your teacher and refu;To prosper talents, we must respect teachers and emphasize education。2023年9月,习近平总书记致信全国优秀教师代表首次提出并全面阐述了中国特有的教育家精神,作出大力弘扬教育家精神的重要指示,为新时代高校教师队伍建设指明了前进方向。As a new age job...

Full of "new" joy as promised - direct attack Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry 20...

On August 31, more than 3,700 freshmen from the class of 2024 gathered on campus from all over the world in the strong and warm welcome atmosphere of the campus, New Liao Light ers with dreams and aspirations to open a new journey to pursue their dreams。In the morning, the school Party secretary Wang Canal, deputy party secretary, president Duan Shubin led all the team members and functional departments...

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